Your source for physical therapy supplies, equipment calibration, repair & more!

Welcome to Qualmed Precision Inc, your trusted partner for all things physical therapy since 2011.
What we do:
​Durable Medical Equipment:
Who We Serve:
Physical Therapy Clinics
Rehabilitation Centers
Skilled Nursing Facilities
Post Acute
Athletic Training Rooms
High Schools, Junior Colleges & Universities
Contact Us at (888) 333-0121 or fill out our WEB FORM for more
information or for a no obligation quote for our services.
Annual Calibration & Safety Testing

We provide annual calibration and safety tests for your physical therapy and rehab equipment, adhering to FDA and UL60601 standards, including ultrasound accuracy checks.
This ensures your equipment meets manufacturer specifications, which is vital for effective treatments.
Our factory-trained technicians prioritize high-quality service and customer satisfaction, offering quick on-site or mail service across California, Southern Oregon & Northern Nevada.
All work is warranted for 60 days, and certified equipment receives a sticker and a detailed report upon completion.

Maintenance & Repair
Qualmed Precision services most rehab equipment at Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, School Athletic Training Rooms, Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation facilities.
We offer multiple ways of repairing and servicing your equipment. If you are in the northern California region, we offer on site services. If you are out of the region, we offer by mail services. Contact us today for more information.
All work is warranted for 60 days, and certified equipment receives a sticker and a detailed report upon completion.

Durable Medical Equipment
Are you a provider or an individual with a need for a TENS unit, brace or other durable medical equipment?
Our friendly staff can assist with getting you or your patients the equipment they need.
Qualmed Precision specializes in getting you or your patient's equipment covered by their insurance so there is little to no cost.
Contact us now for more information!
Contact Us!
Fill out one of our forms and a member of our team will connect with you within 1 business day.
You can also call our toll free number during normal business hours.
Thank you for your interest!
(888) 333-0121